Apply for Alliance Membership to Advance Student Parent Success


Exciting news! Last week, we achieved another significant milestone in the advancement of the GAINS for Student Parents Act (AB 2458). Student parents and allies from across California gathered in Sacramento to share their stories and highlight the critical importance of this legislation. Their voices were heard, and now AB 2458 moves forward to the Senate Appropriations Committee!

Since our launch, The Alliance has cultivated a robust network of organizations and individuals dedicated to transforming higher education in California to better support and empower student parents. Now, we invite you to join us in this vital work. Apply for membership today and be a part of our collective efforts!

Why join The Alliance?

  • Engage: Participate in meaningful dialogue, share experiences, and offer peer support to overcome shared challenges and uplift each others’ successes.
  • Connect: Build connections, network, and advocate alongside organizations and individuals who share your values and priorities, forming a powerful collective voice.
  • Amplify: Enhance the impact of your efforts to drive positive change for student parents across the state.

To apply for membership, click here.

Thank you for your interest and dedication to student parent success!


Maya Valree and Laura Szabo-Kubitz
The Alliance Leads

For media inquires, please contact:

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How We Work Together

This network is led by California Competes: Higher Education for a Strong Economy and The Education Trust–West with support from an Advisory Committee that includes student parents and other field experts. The Alliance’s diverse membership consists of organizations focused on a range of issues, including basic needs security and poverty elimination, child welfare, civil rights, economic development, health, housing, higher education, and social justice.

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