Invitation: Voices of Resilience: Revealing the True Costs of College for Student Parents


Please join The California Alliance for Student Parent Success next Tuesday June 11, 2024 for a panel discussion on the true costs of college for California’s student parents. Details are as follows:

  • Date: Tuesday, June 11, 2024
  • Time: 3:00-4:00pm
  • Location: Capitol Swing Space, Room 4400
  • Sponsors: Michelson Center for Public Policy
  • AgendaClick here 

This event is tailored so legislative staff and members can hear directly from student parents about the financial barriers they face and the supports that help them navigate college and career pathways. Additionally, we will present our research to inform policymaking around college affordability for this student population.

After the panel, we invite you to continue the conversation over refreshing drinks and appetizers at the Thirtyfour Mexican Cantina, conveniently located across the street.

Your insights and contributions are essential as we work together to create a brighter future for California’s student parents. Please RSVP here or reach out to AJ Johnson, California Competes Policy Director if you have questions.

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How We Work Together

This network is led by California Competes: Higher Education for a Strong Economy and The Education Trust–West with support from an Advisory Committee that includes student parents and other field experts. The Alliance’s diverse membership consists of organizations focused on a range of issues, including basic needs security and poverty elimination, child welfare, civil rights, economic development, health, housing, higher education, and social justice.

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